Announcing the MakerHouse Residency for Summer 2023
UPDATE: The Residency is now closed for applications. We’re excited to share the Residents and their projects in the coming months!
MakerHouse Pittsburgh is excited to announce our new Residency Program, launching Summer 2023!
MakerHouse is an intentional community of makers in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. It was built from the ground up to foster connection, creativity and sustainability.
We’re now accepting applications for makers, artists and designers exploring sustainability, community and/or local production.
As a Resident, you will receive free housing, workshop access, and a living stipend for one month so that you can focus on exploring these themes and contributing knowledge to the world.
Our workshop includes tools for woodworking, metalworking (welding, casting, blacksmithing), ceramics, software, electronics, music, robotics, 3D printing and laser cutting. We also have a full time shop master who can teach you how to use any tools you aren’t familiar with.
In return, we expect that the Residency will be your primary focus during your stay. A finished “project” is not a requirement, but you will need to share your work with the broader community at some point during your residency (such as via an artist talk, open studio, exhibition, open source documentation, etc).
A strong application will highlight your past work as a maker / designer / artist and talk about your ideas for how you’d like to spend the Residency. Since this is our first year doing this program, we’re intentionally keeping the scope broad so that you can apply in ways we may not have anticipated.